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4 Articles Written Last Month
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Platform Reports - Transaction Report
This report includes three integrated views to support different financial analysis needs. Find the transaction report in the Platform Reports: Transaction Overview Report This overview report includes: Detailed view of all completed transactions with customisable filters Complete transaction history with payment details Real-time status trackin...
5 min reading timeAssessment Types - Creating a Quiz
What is a quiz? An Academy quiz allows you to ask your participants a series of multiple choice questions in order to assess one or more capabilities. Academy quizzes have multiple features including question pooling, attempt management and multiple outcome levels. If you have a Guroo.Pro license, you can also build quizzes in Guroo.Pro and publish ...
4 min reading timeAcademy Quizzes/Assessments vs Guroo.Pro Modules
Guroo.Pro module quizzes and Academy's Quiz/Assessment content types can both be used to deliver an assessment or quiz to a learner. However, they both have some different features and functions and one or the other may suit your course design better, or be a better option for the experience you want to deliver to your leaners. Here is a handy guide...
0 min reading timeMarch 2025 Release Notes: Facilitator View
Introduction In March 2025, Guroo Learning will be releasing some changes to the Academy platform, including some changes to the Facilitator experience. These changes are designed to streamline the user experience for Facilitators and to help them focus on the activities and tasks which they need to action. What is changing? The key tools and res...
1 min reading timeMarch 2025 Release Notes: Coordinator Changes
Introduction In March 2025, Guroo Learning will be releasing some changes to the Academy platform, including some changes to the Facilitator and Coordinator experience. These changes are designed to streamline the user experience for Facilitators and to help them focus on the activities and tasks which they need to action. Program Coordinators shou...
1 min reading time