Catalogue Listings

Create catalogue listings to select which programs are shown on your catalogue.

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 6th, 2025

Combine multiple programs under the same listing and group listings in catalogue categories. Use listings to provide program summaries and inform learners of what to expect within the learning program.


Catalogue listings can be created to showcase learning programs in the Academy’s catalogue. Listings can contain a single program or multiple instances/cohorts of the same program together. Listings can also be configured with unique titles, banners, and thumbnails and share testimonies from learners who have completed the related programs.

Listing settings include:


Adjust the listing’s title, URL, meta descriptions (used by to support SEO), listing visibility, and the ability to enable email enquiries for listings of upcoming programs.

Listing Content

Adjust listing banners and thumbnails, provide program summaries, program goals, and learner testimonials.

Within the listing content tab the ability to provide deeper information relating to what learners can expect over the learning journey, share frequently asked questions, and to provide related program videos.


Add programs to your listings to show learners the available programs which are associated to the listing.


Link your listings to catalogue categories, allowing for multiple listings to fall under a single category

Preview listings

Preview what the created listing will look like from the learners point of view.


Managing Catalogue Listings

To access your catalogue listings follow the steps below;

  • Access Program Admin
  • Click on the Catalogue button to view the catalogue listings and settings
  • Access the existing listings via the Listings sub-tab
  • Add new listings via the Add Listing button
  • Edit existing listings by accessing the drop-down menu and editing your listing
  • Delete existing listings by accessing the drop-down menu and selecting ‘delete’.