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7 Articles Written Last Month
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Introducing Analytics: Unlock the Power of Learning Data
Analytics is an in-depth data streaming and analysis platform that gives you control over your data and content. With Analytics, you'll have the tools and information you need to build multi-platform, learner-centred experiences. What can you do with Analytics? Measure learning outcomes with multiple KPIs Create personalised learning plans based o...
1 min reading timeCompletions Dashboard
The Completion dashboard is a place for you to view each learner’s overall progress and activity from the time they begin to the time they complete the program. This information is further broken down within the learners' progress tab, where you can find information regarding the learners' average screen time, total score, and overall time spent on ...
0 min reading timeInviting Team Members to Review Your Learning Program
At any time, you can invite other team members and stakeholders to review and comment on your learning program. This will help identify any issues early, manage expectations, and save confusion at the end of your project, when re-work and re-design are likely to take significantly more time. Roles Users with the Team Admin role can create new user a...
1 min reading timeMoving and Copying Content
The move and copy content feature of Academy makes the process of creating learning programs easier and much more efficient by allowing learning designers to copy or move learning content from different programs into their newly created programs. This article describes the process for moving and copying individual content items and tasks. You can ...
0 min reading timeSharing, Publishing and Exporting Experiences
Time Stamps Exporting as PDF or Word: 0:07 - 0:15 Using a Share Link: 0:18 - 0:28 Publishing to LMS: 0:30 - 0:40 Exporting text only: 0:40 - 0:55 Sending via email: 0:58 - End of video...
0 min reading timeReviewing and Editing Learning Experiences - Editor Role
As a project lead or key stakeholder, you may need to make minor text edits as part of the review process, or to update your learning at a later date. You can also use Guroo Pro's inbuilt comments feature to provide feedback, changes and suggestions. Accessing Guroo.Pro for the first time: You will receive an email from Guroo Learning when you are...
0 min reading timeAdding Achievements and Badges to Your Learning
Gamification is a great way to engage learners in online learning. By applying a typical element you would normally find in gameplay (e.g., earning points, badges, or rewards), you can easily incorporate gamification in your learning to reward and motivate learners. Setting Up Achievements/Badges To add an achievement, you will need to follow these ...
1 min reading timeManaging, Assigning and Closing Comments
At decision points or milestones within your project, it's a good idea to ask your team members and stakeholders to review your progress so far. This helps to manage expectations and keep your team aligned. Once your stakeholders have provided their feedback by adding comments to your program, use the Comments editor to: apply the suggested change o...
1 min reading timeAdding and Editing Scores
Access the Score settings by following the 'Setup' button in the top right corner. Use the left menu in the Experience Settings to navigate to the 'Scoring' section (or Bite Title and Scoring if your experience has more than one bite). Choose 'Score' and the 'New' button to add your score settings. You can also copy score settings from other ex...
0 min reading timeGuroo Pro Learning Library
What? The Guroo Pro Learning Library features a range of ready-to-go learning programs across a variety of topics for organisation-based training. These interactive and engaging eLearning courses include topics like online compliance, data security, harassment training, and remote work and can easily be copied and adapted to suit your organisation. ...
0 min reading timeEditing Screen Settings - Hotspot Screens
Hotspot screens allow you to place buttons over a background image. The learner works their way through the screen by clicking on each button. This screen type is particularly good for explaining processes and workflows. Once you have created your options, you can drag and drop the labels onto the appropriate place on the image. The unique settings ...
1 min reading timeWord and PDF Export
The Word and PDF export can be found via the 'Share 'button. This feature will export all the text in your learning experience. There are a few reasons why you might want to export the text of your learning experience. Some examples are: Some of your stakeholders or subject matter experts may prefer to review your content in a document. If you need ...
0 min reading timeModule Settings - titles, themes, data & structure, headers, footers
Edit your experience's settings at any time, using the 'Setup' button in the top right corner. This will open your Module Settings. Roles Producers can edit settings No other program role has access to this icon Settings - Titles & Languages Edit the titles of your experience. You can have one title for your program and a different title for...
1 min reading timePlatform User Roles
Platform User Roles determine a user’s permissions across the entire Academy platform. Program Roles (Learner, Facilitator, Coach Coordinator) determine a user’s permissions within specific programs. You can read more about Program Roles here. Platform User Roles in Academy should not be confused with Program Roles. Academy offers 3 default Platfor...
1 min reading timeDashboard Reports: Program Progress
Academy’s Dashboard includes reports that show: Program progress Experience/module interactions Collecting learner data into interpretable information is often a difficult task, however with the help of Academy’s program dashboard sifting through learner responses, program progress and scores allows managers and program facilitators to obtain deeper...
0 min reading timeProgram Settings - Program Offboarding
Program Onboarding introduces participants to their program and guides them through the introductory information they need to get a great start on their learning. On the other hand, Program Offboarding is designed to conclude and wrap up the program. Setting Up Offboarding Program Offboarding is available in the Program Settings, right under the ...
1 min reading timeContent Progression Rules
If your content object is short or doesn't take up much of the screen, or is the last object in your learning experience, consider updating the progression rule for that object. The progression rules are available via the editing toolbar for each content object, once you select the object, the menu will appear on the right hand side of your screen (...
2 min reading timeIntroduction to the Program Catalogue
Academy’s catalogue can be used to promote and/or sell your suite of learning programs. The Academy catalogue is available publicly (that is, users can view the catalogue without logging in) and integrates with the Stripe payment gateway. Users can register, enrol and pay for their chosen program via the Academy catalogue. Programs in the catalo...
0 min reading timeEvaluation Dashboards
Guroo Pro has a suite of Evaluation Dashboards designed to help you measure the effectiveness of your learning. The Evaluation Dashboards are specifically designed for use with these Evaluation Question Types: NPS Dashboard Confidence Dashboard Satisfaction Dashboard ...
0 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates - July 2024
On the morning of Wednesday 24 July (AEST), we released significant upgrades to Academy, focusing on enhancing assessment capabilities, streamlining workflows, and improving the overall learning experience for both facilitators and learners. Here’s a detailed overview of the key changes and enhancements included in this release. Whether you're a l...
2 min reading timeProgram Settings - Details Tab
Program settings allow you to configure your program. We will go through each of the Settings tabs so you can comfortably navigate the settings page. Details Tab On the Details tab, you can set: Program Title Displays on the home page, banner, catalogue etc. Program Path / Program URL These two settings are related. The program path must be unique. ...
1 min reading timeUsing Comments to Provide Feedback
As a key stakeholder on your project, you play an important role in ensuring the learning meets the needs of learners and your organisation. You can use Guroo Pro's inbuilt comments feature to provide feedback, changes and suggestions. Accessing Guroo Pro for the first time: You will receive an email from Guroo Learning when you are added as a ...
1 min reading timeConfigure Academy's Email Templates
Academy’s email templates can be used across all programs or customised within individual programs to tailor communication. Platform-Wide Emails Access Portal Settings Choose the “Email” section in the menu on the left-hand side Begin to edit email templates as required. Email Variables Email variables are used to insert information that is uniq...
0 min reading timeProgram Settings - Learning Objectives
Learning objectives or goals help learners engage with their learning experience and contribute to successful learning transfer. The conscious effort of setting program objectives is proven to increase learner buy-in and motivation to complete the program and reach their goals. Learning Objectives in Academy Learning objectives can be pre-defined ...
1 min reading timeCatalogue Settings
Curate your catalogue via the catalogue settings. Make adjustments to the configuration, homepage, categories, testimonials, invoices, and invoice emails. Configuration From the configuration settings portal administrators can enable the catalogue, adjust the layout, and enable email or phone enquiry. Homepage Use the homepage tab to adjust your cat...
0 min reading timeApplication Only Programs
Some programs are suited to direct enrolment, open to anyone who wants to participate, but for others, you might need a more discerning approach. “Apply Only” programs can be set up so that a person who is interested needs to apply to attend. The Applications Inbox is used to help administrators review and manage applications. Create Application ...
1 min reading timeScreen Design Tips - Icons
Our stock library has an icon for every occasion. Choose icons that are already coloured, or choose a white or dark icon, and then choose a background for your icon in your theme's colours. How? To add an icon, select the cog in the right-hand corner (be sure not to click the 'Set Up' option). This will pull up a pinned menu (shown below). From here...
0 min reading timeBulk User Import
Much like the bulk enrol feature available within programs, the bulk user archive and bulk user import allow users to be added, updated, or remove in bulk. To Bulk Import users follow the steps below. Open User Admin Choose the Bulk Import tab from the left menu Download the CSV template file Fill out the template with learner data of users who are ...
0 min reading timeSetting a Default Theme and Footer for your Team
Adding a default theme and footer to your Team is a great way to keep your organisation's branding consistent across all learning modules. You must be a Team Administrator to edit your team's settings. From the main menu, choose 'Settings'. Once in settings, you can choose 'Change' to edit the default theme. If you haven't already set up a theme in ...
0 min reading timeBuilding Learning for all Learners: Web Accessibility Contrast Check
What? The Web Accessibility Checker is a powerful feature, exclusive to Guroo Pro, to assist you in ensuring that your chosen colours and contrasts used in eLearning modules adhere to WCAG accessibility guidelines. By providing you with a comprehensive overview of colour combinations and contrasts within your selected theme, The Web Accessibility Ch...
1 min reading timeActions Required - Missing Points Claims
Give participants in your points program (learn more about Academy's point program functionality here) the opportunity to claim points they can't see or feel they have earned but have not been awarded. Learners can claim missing points/hours by completing the form accessed via the My Badges screen: Setting Up Points Claims 1. Determine the platfor...
2 min reading timeThe Difference Between Graphics and Diagrams
Graphics and diagrams can help create beautiful screens and break up blocks of text. But what’s the difference between a graphic and a diagram in Guroo Pro? Graphics Graphics are used for aesthetics in a learning experience and can draw a learner in with beautiful images. Using graphics in Guroo Pro is made easy with options to use built in stock im...
1 min reading timeCatalogue Listings
Combine multiple programs under the same listing and group listings in catalogue categories. Use listings to provide program summaries and inform learners of what to expect within the learning program. Catalogue listings can be created to showcase learning programs in the Academy’s catalogue. Listings can contain a single program or multiple instanc...
0 min reading timeEnable Badges and/or Integrate Credly Acclaim
Academy integrates with Credly Acclaim to award badges / micro-credentials on completion of a program. Credly’s digital badging platform enables you to design and issue badges, includes enterprise-class functionality to scale and manage programs, and enhanced analytics to measure success. If you don't have an account with Credly Acclaim, you can sti...
0 min reading timeIntroduction to Section Availability
All sections in Academy have Availability Rules that determine when a participant can access the activities, tasks and content in that section. By default, all new sections are Locked to participants. The Availability rules are set in the section settings: Availability Rules Available The activities and tasks in the section are visible/available...
0 min reading timeProgram Calendar
The Program Calendar collates all session dates/times and due dates/times for program activities. It organises everything with a date in one place so that participants can quickly and easily see the full program schedule. Participants can add the dates to their personal calendars, and print the calendar to a PDF. Calendar Setup Enable the Calendar...
0 min reading timeCreating Questions & Question Types
Questions are a key part of any learning experience and help to support engagement and understanding. Start here for a quick introduction video on formative, assessed and reflective questions. Creating Questions Create questions on any screen in your learning experience: Question Types Multiple choice - select one Multiple choice - select many...
0 min reading timeAdding and Editing Self Assessments
Access the Self Assessment settings via the Experience Settings: Use the left menu in the Experience Settings to navigate to the Scoring section (or Bite Title and Scoring if your experience has more than one bite). Choose Self Assessment and the 'New' button to add Assessment Indicators. You can also copy Assessment Indicators from other experienc...
1 min reading timeResources - What they are and how to add them
Keep learner resources handy by adding them to a dedicated Resources screen that can be accessed from the experience header at any time. Accessing Resources For learners, Resources can be accessed at any time via the top right corner of the experience navigation. The learner does NOT have to access the Resources to complete the learning experienc...
0 min reading timeScreen Design Tips: Mastering Backgrounds for Stunning eLearning Content
When it comes to designing screens for eLearning modules, it's all about balance – you don’t want to overload your pages with walls of text or redundant multimedia assets, but you also don’t want to end up with lots of unused screen space. The following tips will help you to organise your screen layouts for a more learner-friendly experience. Back...
0 min reading timeIntroduction to Section Types
Each Page in a program is made up of Sections and there are 4 different Section Types, each with different properties and settings. The Section Types are: Self Paced - participants complete the content in these sections in their own time Due Date - participants are given a due date by which they need to complete the activities and tasks in the secti...
2 min reading timeConnecting your account and publishing modules/experiences from Guroo Pro
Guroo Pro and Academy are linked, so that you can grab any module/experience that you have created in Guroo Pro and publish it as content in Academy’s learning programs. To achieve this, you first have to connect your Guroo Pro and Academy accounts. Connecting Your Account To add and publish modules/experiences from Guroo Pro you must have: the Te...
0 min reading timeUsing the Learning Canvas - Objectives
Define the learning objectives and the capabilities that will be covered in the learning. What actions will the learner need to perform to achieve the program goals and what capabilities will they need? Listing the learning objectives and capabilities that will be covered in the learning will help you to focus the learning design process on knowledg...
0 min reading timeEnabling & Setting Temporary Passwords
A portal administrator can assign a temporary password to users who have forgotten their passwords or who have been locked out of their account for 15 minutes after 5 incorrect password attempts. This will allow the user to bypass this timeout and attempt to log in once again. Upon successful login, the user will be prompted to assign a new password...
0 min reading timeDashboard Reports: Digital Experience Report
What? Academy’s Dashboard includes reports that show: Program progress Experience/module interactions Collecting learner data into interpretable information is often a difficult task, however with the help of Academy’s program dashboard sifting through learner responses, program progress and scores allows managers and program facilitators to obtain ...
1 min reading timeUsing the Learning Canvas - Knowledge
List the resources the learner will need What knowledge, information, tools and processes does the learner need to know to support their learning activities and actions? Identifying these resources helps with your planning. If the resources already exist, where will you source them from? If they don't exist, how will they be created? Think about th...
0 min reading timeIntroduction to Editing Modules
Watch this short introductory video, which covers the basics of creating screens, adding content to screens, and editing screen settings. The Experience View Descriptions Outline View Use the Outline View to establish a solid learning framework that directly reflects the high-level design in your Learning Canvas. Distribute your outline to your te...
1 min reading timeAdd a Badge or Micro-credential to your program
Academy has its own badge functionality and also integrates with Credly Acclaim to award badges upon program completion. Credly’s digital badging platform enables you to design and issue badges, includes enterprise-class functionality to scale and manage programs, and enhanced analytics to measure success. Read more about integrating with Credly Acc...
0 min reading timeAdding Content to Pages and Sections - Tasks
There are three types of object that you can add to a section/page as tasks or activities for your participants: Content Tasks Questionnaires This page includes information about Tasks. Adding a Task Add content to sections/pages via the +New button: Types of Tasks The five types of tasks that you can use to construct your program pages/sections...
2 min reading timeIndividual Learner Enrolments
Once programs have been set up the next step is to begin enrolling learners who will be completing the learning program. You can also enrol users in bulk. Read more here. Enrolling Learners Learners can be enrolled into any active program by following the below steps. Go to the Class List for the program that you want to enrol participants in. Cho...
0 min reading timeCommunity Page
The Community page is a directory of the participants enrolled in a program. For privacy reasons, participants must “opt-in” to display their details in the Community. Facilitator and Staff profiles can also be displayed on the Community page. Opting In To be visible in the Community, all participants (including facilitators and staff) must opt in v...
0 min reading timeCapability Dashboards
Scores, KPIs and Outcomes The Capability Dashboard is the home of information relating to learners score and KPI metrics. The average learner score across multiple KPIs is displayed in the example below. Common Misconceptions This dashboard shows the questions learners are most often getting incorrect. ...
0 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates - May 2024
Program and Pathway Icons It was definitely time for an icon refresh, so we’ve updated all our default icons. We’ve also decoupled Academy icons from guroo.pro icons to help maintain some consistency across your Academy platform. What do you need to do? For your existing programs - nothing! All your existing icons will be migrated into Academy. Fo...
1 min reading timeEnabling and configuring the collection of dietary preferences
Face-to-face programs (blended programs with face-to-face components) often serve lunch and/or snacks, so information about participants' dietary preferences is needed. There are several steps and settings involved in setting up this feature. Step 1: Enable and configure the dietary preference profile fields Academy’s User Profile includes specifi...
0 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates – November 2024
This November, Academy introduces significant updates designed to enhance learning, streamline workflows, and improve user experience. These updates include new assessment tools, enhanced registration and enrolment workflows, improved payment processing, and program management features. This release introduces two new assessment activities to Acad...
1 min reading timeEnabling Your Data - Program Settings
It is important to make sure that the information that is being input by your learners is being collected properly and organised into understandable information. By enabling data-driven interactions, you are given the ability to create more powerful interactions such as response playback. It should be noted however, you can only publish this experie...
0 min reading timeAdding Content to Pages and Sections - Content
There are three types of objects that you can add to a section/page as tasks or activities for your participants: Content Tasks Questionnaires Add Content Add content to sections/pages via the +New button: Types of Content The six types of content that you can use to construct your program pages/sections are: Interactive Learning These are modu...
0 min reading timePersonalised Learning Plans
A personalised learning plan allows you to personalise the learner's journey. Personalising learner journeys has some great benefits: it can increase engagement it can save your learners time by only having them complete sections they need to complete it can provide the learner with a structured learning pathway that allows them to skip bites/sectio...
2 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates - January 2024
Badge & Points Enhancements Academy badges can be awarded to learners when they complete a course or program and points can be attached to badges. Depending on your platform objectives and configuration, points can be used to: stack multiple courses together in order to award a higher credential or certificate once a certain point threshold ha...
2 min reading timeIntroduction to Learning Pathways
Pathways allow you to combine a number of programs into a larger learning journey for learners to complete. This ensures that over the course of a pathway, learners are completing the required programs/courses, whilst simultaneously offering the learners an opportunity to go over further recommended/optional programs that will strengthen their overa...
1 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates - April 2024
New Purchasing Journeys in the Academy Catalogue Did you know that 89% of executive education courses are purchased by someone other than the participant? In order to better support this buyer behaviour, Academy now supports multiple purchasing journeys including: Buy for myself Buy for someone else Buy for a small team (including multi-seat disco...
2 min reading timeCreate Zoom Sessions and Track Attendance
Academy integrates with Zoom so that you can: Set up Zoom meetings/sessions directly from Academy Track participant attendance at sessions, so that people can be automatically marked as Attended or Absent Requirements You MUST have a Zoom Pro or Zoom Enterprise account to in order to integrate. To connect your Zoom account to your Academy platform...
1 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates - August 2024
Updated Program Onboarding Experience: We’ve updated the program onboarding experience by moving it from a dialog to its own dedicated page. This page will now appear before users are granted access to the program. After completing the onboarding, users will receive access to the program if it is open. If the program is not yet available, the...
1 min reading timeEditing Screen Settings
The settings for every screen can be accessed via our toolbar on the right-hand panel. If you're unsure what each setting does, hover over it to see the setting name. Most of the screen settings are described below, but depending on the type, some settings may not be available on all screens (for example, there are no Character settings on a Video...
1 min reading timeProgram Settings - Email Settings
The email function allows you to send emails and nudges to users. It’s a great function for keeping learners engaged and reminding them of program deadlines. There are two types of emails for a program: system emails - these relate to program enrolments nudges - these are emails designed to engage learners with the program by alerting them to a new ...
1 min reading timeDiscount Codes & Multi Seat Discounts
If you use Academy's catalogue to promote and sell your programs, then you can implement two types of purchase incentives: Discount codes - these can be applied at checkout to offer a percentage discount to anyone with an applicable discount code. Multi-seat discounts - these percentage discounts can be applied automatically to anyone purchasing mul...
1 min reading timeDashboard Reports
Academy’s Dashboard includes reports that show: Program progress Digital Experience/module interactions Program Progress Report The Program Progress Report shows the status of all activities in your program for all participants: Digital Experience Report The Digital Experience Report is an in-depth report showing activity, progress and question ...
1 min reading timeAdding Primary and Secondary Metric Scores to Question Responses
If your learning experience uses both Primary and Secondary Metrics, then the questions in your learning experience will need to be scored against each metric. First, set up your Performance Metrics in the Experience Settings. For each question response throughout the experience, add an outcome for each metric by clicking the red/yellow/green button...
0 min reading timeProgram Settings - Tools Tab
Shift Program Dates Tool The Shift Program Dates tool allows you to move all your program's dates (including program start and finish dates, session dates, access dates, lock dates, due dates and reminder dates) forward in time. The purpose of this tool is to allow for unexpected schedule changes that mean the entire program has had to be delayed by...
0 min reading timeDuplicate or Copy Programs, Modules, Screens and Objects
Copy a Program A well-designed program can take time, and once you get it right, save time by duplicating an entire program to use for another subject or topic, or to re-contextualise your program for another audience. For example, you might design a program for managers, but by copying it and making some changes, you can re-contextualise your progr...
1 min reading timeExample Screen Types
Examples of each type are displayed below. Accordion Conversation Hotspots Scroll Slider Tab There are many ways to configure a tab screen. Use the settings on the screen to change between vertical or horizontal tabs, process tabs or timelines. Title Video ...
0 min reading timeProgram Roles and Access
Each program in Academy has 4 roles. Permissions for each of these roles are described below. Learner Access the program content and complete activities as a program participant. Facilitator Program/Content Access access the program content and complete activities access “locked” sections of the program that are not yet available to the program part...
1 min reading timeProgram Settings - Badges Tab
Academy has its own badge functionality and also integrates with Credly Acclaim to award badges on completion of a program. Credly’s digital badging platform enables you to design and issue badges, includes enterprise-class functionality to scale and manage programs, and enhanced analytics to measure success. Read more about integrating with Credly ...
0 min reading timeIntroducing The Learning Canvas
The Learning Canvas is a powerful tool that gets the design team focused on your learners and their outcomes. Use the canvas to identify the program goals and required objectives and capabilities, and build personas to understand your learners and what they need from the program. Integrate self-paced, face-to-face, project-based learning and assessm...
0 min reading timeIntroduction to Academy's Purchasing Journeys
Did you know that 89% of executive education courses are purchased by someone other than the participant? In order to better support this buyer behaviour and increase enrolments, Academy now supports multiple purchasing journeys including: Buy for myself Buy for someone else Buy for a small team (including multi-seat discounts) Setting Up Purchasi...
1 min reading timeProgram Settings - Coaching
Coaches or mentors have a special role in Academy. Participants can nominate a coach to support them throughout the course. There are different levels of coach involvement, depending on the nature of the course. For the lightest touch, coaches are invited to Academy and given access to a dashboard that allows them to monitor the participant’s progr...
1 min reading timeProgram Settings - Catalogue Tab
If you have enabled the Academy Catalogue, then in this tab you can: Attach your program to the relevant Catalogue Listing Display program sessions in the catalogue Choose the Facilitators of the program in the catalogue Promote the learning program on the catalogue - if enabled, the program will appear in the rotating carousel on the catalogue home...
0 min reading timePlatform User Statuses
Academy offers three different user statuses for users: Active Archived Pending These should not be mistaken for the program enrolment status (Enrolled / Withdrawn / Observer), where the program enrolment status dictates a user’s access to a specific program. The platform user status determines whether a user can log in to Academy. User Statuses T...
0 min reading timeProgram Settings - Program Onboarding
Onboarding is a feature of Academy that allows you to welcome participants to their program. Onboarding introduces the program; allows participants to add sessions to their calendar; asks participants to specify any dietary requirements (e.g. for programs that include a face-to-face component with catering); asks participants to view and prioritise ...
2 min reading timeManage Your Project Using the Progress View
Guroo Pro is designed to support an iterative and agile approach to designing and developing learning programs. As a cloud-based application, multiple team members can be working on the same learning program at the same time, so it's important that all team members can collaborate. The Progress View helps to support this. Access the Progress View ...
0 min reading timeMultilingual - Creating Modules in More Than One Language
Create learning in multiple languages and keep your language versions in sync using Guroo Pro's multilingual functionality. Setting Up a Multilingual Module In the experience, navigate to the 'Set Up' button in the top right corner. Check the 'Multilingual' button and select the languages you wish to use from the drop-down menu. Select 'Add', then...
0 min reading timeBulk User Archive
Much like the bulk withdraw feature available from within programs, the bulk user archive and the bulk user import allow users to be added or archived in bulk. The Bulk Archive tool changes the Portal Status of users from Active to Archived. Users with the Archived status will not be able to access Academy. Examples of when you might change a user’s...
0 min reading timeProgram Enrolment Statuses Explained
Every program within Academy offers three enrolment statuses. Each of these statuses are described below. Enrolled Users with the “Enrolled” status are active participants in the program. These users and their data will be collected for reporting purposes. Observer Users with the “Observer” enrolment status are able to view the program but are not c...
0 min reading timeBuilding and Editing Themes
Guroo Pro's publishing engine uses your chosen theme to generate all experiences. You can create new themes or edit existing themes via the Library. Once you have set up your themes, you can re-use them for as many experiences as you like. If your branding changes, you can update the corresponding theme here and your changes will be reflected in all...
0 min reading timeIntroduction to Section Progression Rules
Section Progression rules determine a participant’s pathway WITHIN a section. It specifies whether a participant can complete the activities in the section in ANY order, or only in the defined order. Setting Progression Rules Progression Rules are set in the section settings: There are two types of progression: Open Navigation - participants can...
0 min reading timeAcademy Product Updates - June 2024
Custom Facilitator Display Order You can now arrange facilitators in your programs according to your preference, ensuring they are promoted in the order you choose. How to Customise: Program Catalogue Listings: To customise the facilitator order on your Catalogue listings, go to the Self Enrolment tab in Programs Settings and drag and drop a...
1 min reading timeUsing the Learning Canvas - Learning Journey
Outline the key learning experiences What activities will the learner do to develop these capabilities? How will you assess the learner? Identify how your learning program will be structured and outline the learning journey that will be included, this will allow the learner to practice and develop the necessary skills and understanding. These activi...
0 min reading timeUsing the Learning Canvas - Program Goals
Define your program goals What is the organisational goal or purpose of the learning? Before you start any learning project, it's important to identify and document the purpose of the learning. If the purpose and goals are agreed to by all team members and stakeholders at the beginning of the project, then confusion and misunderstandings can be avoi...
0 min reading timePrinting and Sharing the Learning Canvas with your Team and Stakeholders
Once your Learning Canvas is complete, you can quickly and easily distribute it to your team and stakeholders for review and sign-off. Ensuring everyone is aligned with your program's goals and objectives saves confusion and misunderstandings during the build and review phases of your program design. Members of your project team who have a login f...
0 min reading timeComments/Discussion Feed
Learning programs in Academy comprise many different type of activities, some of which are: discussions tasks that include the option for facilitators and participants to comment on or discuss submissions for that task. The Comments/Discussion Feed collates all discussion comments into one feed, organised by date, so that it is quick and easy to see...
0 min reading timeCreate a Branded Theme
Set up a theme using your brand's colours and styles to create learning programs that are fully branded. If your brand or organisation has a specific font, or it's own custom font, add it via the 'Custom Fonts' tab in the theme. Choose from one of Google's suite of fonts, or add your own font files. When adding your own font files, you will need to...
0 min reading timeEnabling LinkedIn Features - login, badge sharing & groups
As the world's largest professional network, Academy integrates with LinkedIn to support ongoing relationships between participants even after their program is complete. There are multiple integration points, and this article will touch on each and explain how to set them up. Enable LinkedIn Single Sign On (SSO) Enable LinkedIn Single Sign On so t...
1 min reading timeAsset Dimensions
Find our recommended dimensions (width and height) for all graphic assets below, including: backgrounds badges characters hotspots icons ...
0 min reading timeCreating Adaptive Learning Using Guroo Pro
Adaptive learning is all about offering a personalised experience for each learner. It allows organisations to create custom and personal learning that takes into account each individual, regardless of prior knowledge and skills. Through the use of feedback, branching, scores and logical rules, adaptive learning helps organisations consider each per...
1 min reading timePortfolio
The Portfolio collates all of a participant's submissions for a program (learning module transcripts, activity submissions etc) into one place. It gives the participant the opportunity to print these submissions, which is especially useful when a participant is unlikely to be a regular visitor to your instance of Academy, or if you want to close acc...
0 min reading timeDisplaying Scores and Metrics to Learners
If you include assessable questions throughout your learning experience, it may be important to provide the learner with a score at the conclusion of the experience. This will demonstrate where they went right/wrong, allowing them to review their responses and act on the feedback. Add scores and results to your experience via the Smart Content tab. ...
0 min reading timeTask Feed
The Task Feed collates all submitted tasks into one feed, organised by date, so that it is quick and easy to see what participants have been working on. These are Academy’s learning tasks: Enable the Task Feed via the Program Settings. If enabled, it can be found in the left-hand menu. Filters Use the filters on the feed to filter through tasks th...
0 min reading timeBulk Enrolments - Enrol Multiple Participants via Spreadsheet Upload
To speed up the enrolment process, Academy offers the ability to enrol multiple people at once via the bulk enrol feature. To bulk enrol users to programs, Program Coordinators are able to download the CSV template and add the learner's data to the template which can then be imported. To obtain this template follow the steps below. Access the progra...
0 min reading timeGuroo.Pro Platform Orientation & Navigation
Guroo.Pro Navigation Find your way around - add new team members or archive people who no longer need access. Discover the library and view the learning programs that you have access to. Creating a New Learning Program Start a new learning program - choose from a template, copy an existing program, or start a new blank program. ...
0 min reading timeAdding and Editing Performance Metrics
Access the Performance Metrics settings via the Experience Settings: Use the left menu in the Experience Settings to navigate to the Scoring section (or Bite Title and Scoring if your experience has more than one bite). Choose Metrics and the New buttons to add Primary and Secondary Metrics. You can also copy Metrics from other experiences. Unders...
1 min reading timePreview or Share Your Learning Experience via the Share Link
The Share Link allows you to create a URL that links directly to your module or learning experience. It's a great way to preview and share your work-in-progress with team members or stakeholders, without them needing to log in to Guroo Pro or have a Guroo Pro account. There are a few things to note though: The Share Link allows ANYONE who has the li...
1 min reading timeUser Specific Custom or Personalised Roles
Academy allows you to give individual users their own custom roles, allowing different users to have their own set of permissions and avoiding the need to create a new Platform Role for just one or two users. This feature can be useful for users who have multiple responsibilities that may fall outside of their roles’ scope. Available permissions whi...
0 min reading timeTerminology and Definitions
Authoring Definitions Program - A program is a learning journey, topic or subject, depending on the nature of your organisation. It might be an orientation program, or a university subject, or a leadership course, or a customer service course. In essence, a program is a collection of learning experiences that are related to each other in some way. E...
1 min reading timeResources Page
The Resources page collates all the program resources into one spot for easy searching. Program resources are: videos links documents diagrams The Resources page includes: Search/Filters - this allows participants to search for specific resources, or filter them by Facilitator or Session Add Resource button - this button is available to Facilitators...
0 min reading timeSetting Up & Using Email Templates
Communication and engagement with your team members and stakeholders are key parts of the learning design and production process. Use our email templates or set up your own to ensure your team communicates consistently and effectively. To add email templates, you must have the Team Admin role. Setting Up Email Templates We have set up a series of em...
1 min reading timeUnderstanding Guroo Pro's Team Roles and Program Roles
There are two types of access in Guroo Pro: Team Roles - these are roles that apply across the entire team. Each team member can only have one team role. Program Roles - these are roles that are specific to each program. Each team member may have a different role (or no role at all) for each program. Team Roles Guroo Pro has three team roles: Team A...
1 min reading timeAn Introduction to Questions
Questions are a key part of any learning experience and help to support engagement and understanding. Guroo Pro supports reflective, formative and assessed questions. Watch this video to get started. Video Time Stamps: Reflective Questions: 0:12 - 0:26 Formative Questions: 0:26 - 0:38 Assessed Questions: 0:38 - End of Video...
0 min reading timeDesigning for Mobile or Desktop
Guroo Pro learning experiences are published using responsive design, meaning they will always work on mobiles, tablets, and desktops. However, the way you structure and layout your screens can impact usability and the learner experience on different devices. Consider where the majority of your learners are likely to be accessing your learning exper...
0 min reading timeCurriculum Categories and Program Tags
Curriculum Categories Curriculum Categories are best used in conjunction with Program Tags. While you can tag a program with multiple Program Tags, you can only assign a program ONE Curriculum Category. For this reason, we recommend you use Curriculum Categories to group multiple cohorts of the same program. Use Case Example: Let’s say you run a Con...
1 min reading timePoints Programs
There are many reasons why you might want to encourage and incentivise learners to complete multiple programs/courses on your Academy platform, including: to increase your sales to recognise continuing professional development to stack multiple courses together in order to achieve a recognised credential Academy supports these goals via a points p...
0 min reading timeAcademy Invoicing
Issuing and reconciling invoices can be a challenge for any organisation. Stripe invoices are easy to generate, but offer limited payment options and can be tricky to reconcile. All payment and transaction information is now included in Academy’s open APIs, so integrating your invoicing system with Academy would be the ideal invoice management optio...
1 min reading timeGuroo.Pro's Asset Library
The Asset Library is a centralised location of assets that can be reused in your learning experiences. It provides a wide range of resources that you can utilise to enhance your eLearning content. Broadly speaking, the Library can be divided into two: 1. Design assets These are the visual assets and images that you can use (and re-use) to create you...
1 min reading timeMulti-Bite Experiences and Learning Plans
If you have a lot of information to include in your learning experience, a great way of breaking it into sections is by using "bites" to create learning pathways. Think of bites as sections, topics, or even chapters. A simple learning plan looks like this: By default, all new experiences are "single-bite". To change this setting, and create a multi-...
0 min reading timeChoose the Right Layout - Create Frameless Modules
Guroo Pro now offers Frameless modules, designed to facilitate immersive learning by offering a seamless, distraction-free experience. By maximising your screen space, you can present learning content in a fluid and natural manner, eliminating the unnecessary borders or frames that traditional eLearning modules have. Choose Framed or Frameless, depe...
0 min reading timePublishing as SCORM 1.2, Settings and Suspend Data
To publish your experience as SCORM 1.2, use the Share button, and choose the LMS option on the left: Once you have published your experience, you will be able to download the SCORM zip package. Open Navigation If you enable the Open Navigation option, your learners will be able to use the module navigation functions (eg. the menu, tabs etc) to sk...
2 min reading timeCreating and Publishing a SCORM 1.2 ANALYTICS Connector/Wrapper
SCORM 1.2 wrappers allow you to stream your modules and collect analytics data. Unlike a traditional SCORM package (where all your module content is packaged up and contained within the SCORM zip file). SCORM wrappers are a "connector" between Guroo Pro and your LMS. Read more about the features and benefits of SCORM Analytics wrappers and our out-o...
2 min reading timeScreen Design Tips - Graphics and Diagrams
Graphics, diagrams and icons are a great way to break up blocks of text. While we recommend keeping icons small, you can experiment a bit with larger graphics and diagrams, particularly when you don't have a lot of text on a screen. Graphics Try to match the height of your image to the amount of content, especially when there is more than one text o...
0 min reading timeUsing the Learning Canvas - Program Requirements
Document the program requirements Are there any organisational or practical requirements that you need to consider when designing your learning program? Before you begin to create your learning program, ensure you understand any organisational requirements or constraints that may have an impact on the program design and delivery. This includes thing...
0 min reading timeProgram Settings - Configuration Tab
The Configuration tab allows you to control most of your program's features. Enable or disable the settings that are most appropriate to your program. In the Configuration tab, you can set: Region / Time Zone This is important if your program includes any face to face or virtual sessions. Calendar Invitations Attach calendar invitations to your enro...
0 min reading timeIntroduction to Pages and Sections
Pages and Sections are key to creating your program’s structure. Pages form the main navigation through a program. Pages are made up of Sections, and the Section Types drive the learning activities included on each Page. Pages form the navigation on the left side of the screen. Pages can include multiple Sections. Sections are groups of tasks/activi...
0 min reading timeUnderstanding Scores, Performance Metrics, and Self Assessments
Asking questions in your learning experiences, scoring responses, and then providing the learner with a score is the first step in understanding if the learning you are creating is effective in achieving business outcomes. Measuring competence and/or confidence You can use scores to measure anything from a learner's competence in mastering a skill...
1 min reading timeLearning Plan Settings
You can find out more about Learning Plans here, but if you're already across them, here's a rundown on the settings. Basic Settings Click on the Learning Plan screen in Flow or Layout View to edit its settings. From here, you can: edit the instructions and title add icons for each bite, and descriptions make bites required or optional - if optional...
1 min reading timeProgram Settings - Price Tab
If you're using Academy's catalogue to sell and promote programs, then you will need to set a price for the program. To do this: Academy's catalogue must be enabled Academy must be integrated with the payment gateway Stripe so that you can take credit card payments. Contact Guroo Learning to find out how to integrate Stripe. The program must be a "p...
1 min reading timeUsing the Learning Canvas - Learner Personas
Define the typical learner who will be completing your learning program What's their position in the organisation, and their professional background? What motivates them, and what barriers do they face when completing the learning? The learner personas paint a picture of the typical learners who will participate in the learning program. Defining the...
0 min reading timeEditing Screen Settings - Title Screen
The unique settings for title screens are described below. Titles and Instructions Your experience must have a title. The series title and instructions are optional. You can turn on the Series Title and Instructions and edit the on screen text in Layout View. Layout, Characters, Colours and Icons Layout The Layout options available in the tool b...
0 min reading timeMastering Theme Design: Tips and Recommendations for Creating Beautiful Themes
To access your theme editor, navigate to the 'Set Up' button located at the top right of your screen. From here, select 'Theme' in the left-hand menu, then select 'Edit' on your current theme to edit your colours. Alternatively, if you would like an entirely new theme, you can select 'Change'. This will open your theme editor, where you can begin e...
2 min reading time