Catalogue Settings

Understand catalogue settings, and how to use them to set up and design your catalogue.

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 7th, 2025

Curate your catalogue via the catalogue settings. Make adjustments to the configuration, homepage, categories, testimonials, invoices, and invoice emails.


From the configuration settings portal administrators can enable the catalogue, adjust the layout, and enable email or phone enquiry.


Use the homepage tab to adjust your catalogue title and descriptions, add promotional videos, and enable Homepage Download.

The Homepage Download feature can be used as a Lead Magnet as unregistered users are required to enter their contact details before they are able to download the file. The file itself could be a full course portfolio, course calendar, or any other relevant file that will drive interest in your programs.


Use this tab to create catalogue categories to hold listings. Adjust category labels, urls, and descriptions.


Add testimonials to your catalogues to showcase learners feedback on completed learning programs.


Enable and adjust invoice descriptions and footers.

Invoice Emails

Set the due date for invoices and set up invoice reminders.

To access Catalogue Settings follow the steps below;

  • Access Program Admin
  • Click on the Catalogue button to reveal catalogue listings and settings
  • Access the Settings tab