Some programs are suited to direct enrolment, open to anyone who wants to participate, but for others, you might need a more discerning approach.
“Application Only” programs can be set up so that a person who is interested needs to apply to attend. The Applications Inbox is used to help administrators review and manage applications.
Create Application Forms
To create an application form for a program, go to Program Admin > Catalogue:

- Add Form and name your template
- Add questions to your application. Questions can be required or optional. Available question types are:
- Single Line - for short, free text responses eg. what is your current job title?
- Open Ended - for longer form, free text responses eg. what are your goals for the program?
- Single Answer - choose one option from a drop-down
- Multiple Choice - choose from multiple options in a list
File Upload

Link Your Application Form to a Program
Once your application form is complete, link to your 'Apply Only' program. In the Program Settings for that program:
- Go to the Self Enrolment tab
- Choose 'Application Only' as the Self Enrolment method
- Set an Application Close Date. This is the last date you will be accepting applications for this program.
- Link the Application Form you created in Program Admin > Catalogue
- Decide how often you want users who have permission to manage and process the applications to receive an email notification that a new application has been submitted:
- choose to receive an email for every application
- choose to receive a daily summary of all applications received that day
- Note the roles that have permission to manage/process applications. In the Platform Role, this can be set to:
- Manage ALL applications
- Manage ONLY applications for programs where the user has the Program Coordinator role.

Manage Applications
The Application Inbox is available in the Actions area to any user who has permission to manage applications for at least one program. You can view and process Open Applications here.

Process Applications
To process an application, click on it to open the details screen.

View the applicant's profile details (via the Profile tab) and the applicant's responses that they submitted to the application form questions (via the Application Form tab).
Use this information to decide if the applicant is suitable/eligible for the program and decide which action to take. You can:
- Enrol the applicant in the program. The applicant will receive the standard program enrolment email.
- Enrol the applicant in a different program than the one they applied for. In this case, the applicant may not be suitable/eligible for the program they applied for, but they may be more suited to a different program. The administrator may have a conversation with the applicant to recommend a different program and decide to enrol them in that program instead. The applicant will receive the standard program enrolment email for the program in which they are ultimately enrolled.
- Withdraw on behalf of the applicant. Applicants can withdraw themselves, whoever if an administrator has spoken to an applicant and they are no longer interested, they can withdraw the applicant.
- Refer applicant to another program. In this case, the applicant will receive an email recommending other programs they may be more suited to. The administrator can edit this email to make the relevant recommendations.
- Unsuccessful application. In this case, the applicant will receive an email telling them their application has not been successful.