Bulk Enrolments - Enrol Multiple Participants via Spreadsheet Upload

Understand how to use Academy’s bulk enrol function to enrol groups of users.

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 3rd, 2025

To speed up the enrolment process, Academy offers the ability to enrol multiple people at once via the bulk enrol feature.

To bulk enrol users to programs, Program Coordinators are able to download the CSV template and add the learner's data to the template which can then be imported.

To obtain this template follow the steps below.

  • Access the program that you want to bulk enrol participants in.
  • Go to the Class List.
  • Click the three dots next to Enrol Learners in the top right of the window to access the drop down menu. Select Bulk Enrol.
  • Download the CSV template file.
  • Fill out the template with learner data - all user records must include first name, last name and email address.
  • Upload the template file.
  • Toggle the option to send welcome emails.
  • Enrol.
This screenshot shows the 'class list' screen within the facilitation view of a program. In the class list area, the 'enrolled learners' subheading is selected. This opens a window with information of all the learners currently enrolled in your program. There is a dashboard providing an overview of how many learners there are and at what stage of the learning journey they're up to. In the top right of the window, there are three buttons: gradebook, export learners, and enrol learners. The Enrol Learners button is highlighted, with the drop-down menu expanded to indicate that the admin user has selected this button. Within the drop down menu there are two items: bulk enrol and auto enrol settings. There is a highight on the 'bulk enrol' item to indicate this is where the admin user need to click to carry out the bulk enrolment process.

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