What is a quiz?
An Academy quiz allows you to ask your participants a series of multiple choice questions in order to assess one or more capabilities. Academy quizzes have multiple features including question pooling, attempt management and multiple outcome levels.
If you have a Guroo.Pro license, you can also build quizzes in Guroo.Pro and publish them in your Academy program. Here's an explainer on the difference between Academy quizzes and Guroo.Pro quizzes.
How to create an Academy quiz
Create a new quiz by going adding a new content item, and selecting Assessments > Quiz:

The settings in each quiz tab are explained below.
Quiz > Settings Tab

Setting | Description |
Title | The title of your quiz. This will display on the program content page. |
Description | Add an introduction of description for your quiz. This will display on the program content page. |
Completion Requirement |
Options are:
Must Pass to Complete | Toggle this on if the participant must pass the quiz in order to complete the quiz/activity. This impacts overall program completion. |
Assessment Type |
Options are:
Learner Attempts |
Options are:
Resume Rules |
Options are:
Group Questions by Topic Area |
If you toggle this option on, then your quiz will have multiple topics. For example, you may have one topic for questions on health and one topic containing questions on safety.
You can also use topics to present user scenarios or case studies as a topic before asking questions on that topic. |
Pass Criteria |
This option is enabled if you have toggled on the Group Questions by Topic Area. Options are:
Quiz > Introduction Tab

This tab in the Quiz set up allows you to determine which instructions you want to display to the learner on the first screen of the quiz.
For each instruction option, default instructions for that option are displayed on screen. You can modify each default instruction if you choose.
The instruction screen displays to the learner before they start the quiz. It looks like this:

Quiz > Topics Tab
If your quiz has topics, you can add them in this tab, as well as manage the settings for each topic:

NOTE: You may need to set up your topics in the tab, then create your questions, then RETURN to this tab to finalise the number of questions to ask in each topic, the points per question, and the passmark for each topic.
In the Topics tab, add as many topics as are relevant to your quiz. You can set:
- Topic Title - this will be displayed to the learner
- Question Pooling - use this feature to randomise the questions asked in each topic. For example, you can set up 10 questions in a topic, but only ask the learner to answer 5 questions. In this case, the 5 questions for each learner wil be randomly selected from the pool of 10 questions.
- Num. Asked - this is the number of questions to be asked in this topic. If Question Pooling is disabled, then this number will equal the number of questions in the topic. You may need to adjust this number AFTER you have created your questions.
- Points Per Question - this allows you to weight the questions in one topic more highly then the questions in another topic.
- Pass Mark - this is where you set the number of questions that a learner has to answer correctly in order to pass the topic.
Quiz > Questions Tab
Add questions to topics, using these two buttons:

Multiple Choice - Select One means there is only one correct multiple choice option.
Multiple Choice - Select Many means that the learner must find multiple correct options to be considered correct for the question. There is no “partially correct” if they find one of the correct responses but not all of them.

If you choose to enable the Case Study option, you can add text and images to the topic, and then ask the learner questions about that topic. Here is an example:

The case study information will display above each question that is asked in this topic.
Quiz > Grading Tab
In the Grading tab, set the successful (pass) and unsuccessful (fail) outcomes for the quiz.
You can have more than one Successful outcome (for example, Exceeds Expectations and Pass), but you can only have one Unsuccessful/Fail outcome.

You will need to:
- Add the outcomes
- Give the outcome a title (eg. Distinction, Credit, Pass)
- Set the number of points a learner has to earn in order to achieve that outcome
- Write a feedback message to learners who achive that outcome
Quiz > Conclusion Tab
The final tab when setting up a quiz is the Conclusion tab.

Setting | Description |
Show overall outcome & Score to learner |
Options are:
Show topic outcomes to learner |
Options are:
Show question outcomes to learner |
Options are:
Preview Your Completed Quiz
Once you have completed your quiz, you can preview it from the edit screen of your program:

NOTE: After learners have accessed your program and started submitting quiz attempts, YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO EDIT MOST OF THE SETTINGS IN YOUR QUIZ.