Enabling & Setting Temporary Passwords

Set temporary passwords for users who are experiencing difficulties logging in or have forgotten their password.

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 3rd, 2025

A portal administrator can assign a temporary password to users who have forgotten their passwords or who have been locked out of their account for 15 minutes after 5 incorrect password attempts. This will allow the user to bypass this timeout and attempt to log in once again. Upon successful login, the user will be prompted to assign a new password to be associated with their login.

To enable temporary passwords for Academy, follow the steps below;

  1. Access Platform Settings
  2. Choose the Login section in the left menu
  3. Toggle the “Allow to set temporary password” radio button.
The 'allow to set temporary password' toggle is switched on within the Portal Login settings. The image shows that these settings are found within the Login settings section of Platform settings in the left hand navigation menu.


To assign a temporary password to a user, follow the steps below;

  1. Access User Admin
  2. Search for, and select the intended user
  3. Click on the “Password” tab
  4. Enter a temporary password
  5. Press the “Reset now” button
  6. Advise the user of their temporary password
  7. The user will be prompted to update the temporary password after they use it to log in
Within a user's profile settings, the "password" tab is selected, which gives the option to create and set a temporary password. Instructions are as follows: You can reset the user's password and provide it to them via the phone after you have verified their identity. Only use this feature when the user is unable to receive the toraotien passwora emall due to mail blockers. Ine user will be asked to set a new password on loain. unable to receive the forgotten password email due to mail blockers. The user will be asked to set a new password on login.