Moving and Copying Content


The move and copy content feature of Academy makes the process of creating learning programs easier and much more efficient by allowing learning designers to copy or move learning content from different programs into their newly created programs.


This article describes the process for moving and copying individual content items and tasks. You can also move and copy entire sections of content items and tasks. Read about how to do this here.

To move content items and tasks:

  1. Open desired program section where content is to be displayed,

  2. Select the “move” content option,

  3. Select the desired page, section, and content type you wish to move,

  4. Select the desired content item you wish to move across,

To copy content items and tasks:

  1. Open desired program section where content is to be displayed,

  2. Select the “copy” content option,

  3. Decide whether to copy content from another portal program or template,

  4. Select the desired program, and content type you are looking for,

  5. Select the desired content item you wish to copy across,