Introduction to Section Types

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 3rd, 2025

Each Page in a program is made up of Sections with 4 different Section Types, each with different properties and settings. The Section Types are:

  • Self Paced - participants complete the content in these sections in their own time
  • Due Date - participants are given a due date by which they need to complete the activities and tasks in the section
  • Session - participants must attend a session (for example a webinar or face to face training day) at a specific date and time.
  • Group Session - having been divided into groups, participants must attend one of multiple group sessions at a specific date and time.


Editing the Section Type

By default, all new sections are Self Paced. Edit the Section Type via the Section settings in Edit view. There are four settings common to all Sections:

Section Title


Section Description


Section Availability Rule

Defaults to Locked

Progression Within Section

Defaults to Open


Self Paced Section Settings

This is the default Section Type. Participants complete Self Paced Sections in their own time (subject to Section Availability and Progression rules).

There are no additional settings for this Section Type, beyond the settings common to all section types.


Due Date Section Settings

Participants are given a due date by which they need to complete the activities and tasks in the section. There are several additional settings for a Due Date section:

Due Date Type

There are three types of due date:

Specific Date - The due date is set to a specific date and time for all participants. This is best suited to programs that have specific start and end dates.

Days After Start - The due date is set to a relative date and time, based on the date that the participant starts the program. It will be different dates for different participants and is best suited to programs without specific start and end dates.

Days After Enrolment - The due date is set to a relative date and time, based on the date that the participant is enrolled in the program. It will be different dates for different participants and is best suited to programs with rolling enrolments.

Due Date

Set the due date to a date or number of days (depending on the Due Date Type).


Create email reminders based on the due date. Email reminders can be sent:

-As the due date is approaching (for example, X number of days before the due date)

-When the participant is incomplete and overdue (for example, X days after the due date)


Introduction to Section Types3


Session Section Settings

For Section Types which are Sessions, participants must attend a session (for example a webinar or face to face training day) at a specific date and time. There are several additional settings for a Due Date section:

Completion Rule

This setting define when a participant is considered to have completed this section. The options are:

Auto-complete at session time + required learning (default)

In this case, as soon as the session end time is in the past, all participants will be considered complete for this section (assuming they have also done any required activities that are also included in the section).

For example, if a webinar finishes on 10 May at 11am, and there are no additional activities in the section, then all participants in the program will be “complete” at 11:01 am.

Mark attendance + required learning

In this case, attendance at a session must be marked off. Each participant must be marked as attended or absent. Absent participants will never be complete for that section. When enabling this setting, a ‘Mark Attendance’ button will be displayed to Facilitators and Coordinators in that section.

Flexible attendance (mark attendance or watch video) + required learning

In this case, completion of the section can be achieved by:

Attending the session, and having your attendance at the session marked (either manually, or automatically via the Zoom integration)

Watching a recording of the session which can be uploaded by Program Coordinators after the live session is complete.

Session Date, Time, Duration

Set the session date, start time and duration.

Location, Address, Map URL


If your session is taking place in a physical location, enter the location name, address, and a Google Map URL to help participants find where they need to go.


Select the session Facilitator. You may select more than one. The Facilitator list is populated from the program facilitators and coordinators in the Class List.


If your session is virtual, enable the Webinar toggle. This will allow you to enter the webinar link and password (optional).


Create email reminders to send to participants to remind them that the session is starting soon. Reminders can be sent hours or days before the session starts.