Learning Plan Settings

If you have created a multi-bite learning experience, you will need to take a look at the Learning Plan settings.

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 3rd, 2025

You can find out more about Learning Plans here, but if you're already across them, here's a rundown on the settings.

Basic Settings

Click on the Learning Plan screen in Flow or Layout View to edit its settings.

From here, you can:

  • edit the instructions and title
  • add icons for each bite, and descriptions
  • make bites required or optional - if optional, the learner does not have to open or complete the bite in order to complete the learning experience
  • weight the bites, to accurately represent progress throughout the experience for the learner.



Advanced Settings


Add scores, KPI metrics, or self-assessments to your bites via the Module Settings (find out more about scores, KPI metrics and self-assessments):


Access Learning Plan Settings

Access additional settings via the toolbar across the top of the Learning Plan screen in Layout View:

Each Setting Type is displayed and described below (the setting used in the screenshot is displayed in parentheses):


Header Style

Choose from:

  • Contemporary
  • Floating Ribbon


Choose from:

  • List
  • Gameboard

If you choose Gameboard, upload a background image and move your bites around the screen (the same way you can for a Hotspot screen), instead of displaying them in a list. Here is an example:

Choose from:

  • Open - learners can complete the bites in any order (the first bite / introduction will always be completed first
  • Linear - learners must complete the bites in the order they are displayed
  • First, Any, Last - learners must complete the first bite / introduction first, and the last bite last, and all other bites in any order


Overall Score

If one or more of your bites has a score, you can choose to display the score in the top right corner of the Learning Plan. Choose from:

  • None - none of the bites in the learning plan has a score
  • Hidden - one or more bites in the learning plan has a score, but an Overall Score is not displayed to the learner
  • Average - one or more bites in the learning plan has a score, and the average of these scores is displayed to the learner


Display Achievements/Badges

Choose from:

  • Hidden - Achievements/Badges earned by the learner will not be displayed
  • Header - Achievements/Badges will display in the header, underneath the title and description
  • Bite Menu - if the Menu Style is List, the Achievements/Badges will display in the bite list (on the right)
  • Header & Bite Menu - Achievements/Badges will be displayed in both the header and the Bite Menu


Display Primary KPIs / Scores

If one or more of your bites has a score, choose from:

  • Hidden - do not display scores/KPIs to learners
  • Bite Menu - if the Menu Style is List, display scores/KPIs to learners in the bite list (on the right)



Choose a character to display by selecting the rightmost icon on the toolbar.