Setting Up Your Program Gradebook

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 24th, 2025

The Gradebook feature enhances your learning programs by allowing you to track assessment and provide meaningful feedback. Whether you're running professional development courses, skills-based training, or formal education programs, Gradebook helps create more engaging and effective learning experiences.

Gradebook setup is available to users with the Program Coordinator role on the program.


Gradebook Benefits

For Learners

  • Receive meaningful outcomes and recognition for their work
  • Get personalised feedback from facilitators and assessors
  • Track progress through various course activities
  • Experience more engaging and interactive learning

For Organisations

  • Deliver accredited learning programs
  • Provide structured feedback and assessment
  • Improve learner engagement and satisfaction
  • Create more comprehensive course offerings


Assessable Activities

The following activities can be included in your Gradebook:


  • Interactive learning modules
  • SCORM 1.2 packages
  • Digital content with scoring capability


  • File submissions
  • Short responses
  • Video recordings
  • Podcast recordings
  • Image submissions


  • Quizzes (auto-graded)
  • Marked assessments (manual grading)
  • Diagnostics


Setting Up Your Gradebook

The Gradebook Settings can be found in Edit view of your program, in the left-hand panel:


Here, you can select the grading method that will be used for the program, how you will publish grades to your learners, and view activities that will be included in the Gradebook. 


Grading Methods 

In Gradebook, you can create your own custom grading scale, or use the inbuilt grading styles:

1. Successful Completion

Simple two-level grading suitable for light-touch courses:

  • Successful Completion
  • Failed to Complete

Ideal for: professional development courses, short courses, work integrated learning.

2. Skills-Based

Measures capability levels across multiple tiers:

  • Expert: Deep expertise, able to innovate and lead
  • Advanced: Strong mastery, can mentor others
  • Intermediate: Applies skills independently
  • Novice: Beginning to develop skills
  • Failed to Complete: Did not successfully complete the activity

Ideal for: skill development programs, work integrated learning.

3. Formal Education

Traditional academic grading suitable for formal education:

  • High Distinction: Exceptional understanding and analysis
  • Distinction: High level of understanding and critical analysis
  • Credit: Sound understanding and communication
  • Pass: Adequate understanding
  • Unsuccessful: Does not meet minimum requirements

Ideal for: university subjects, microcredentials, formal qualifications.


Publishing Grades

You have two options for releasing grades:

  1. Publish Grades Manually – grades can be published manually by a Facilitator or Coordinator
  2. Publish Instantly – grades are published as soon as a learner's grade is submitted
  3. Graded Publish on Scheduled Date – all grades are released on a specific date


Activities List

The Gradebook Settings screen also includes a list of assessed activities in the program. This includes due dates, and identifies ‘must pass’ activities, where learners must achieve a passing grade in order to pass the program. 


Gradebook Best Practices

  1. Choose the Right Scale: Select a grading scale that matches your course objectives and learner needs
  2. Plan Your Assessments:
    • Decide which activities need grading
    • Set clear completion criteria
    • Balance automated and manual assessments
  3. Support Learner Success:
    • Provide clear instructions
    • Give constructive feedback
    • Maintain consistent grading standards
  4. Consider Operational Needs:
    • Plan assessment workload
    • Set realistic marking timeframes
    • Use automated assessments where appropriate

For information on managing Gradebook during your program, visit our help article.