Using the Learning Canvas - Learner Personas

Who are the typical learners for your program?

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 3rd, 2025

Define the typical learner who will be completing your learning program

What's their position in the organisation, and their professional background? What motivates them, and what barriers do they face when completing the learning?

The learner personas paint a picture of the typical learners who will participate in the learning program. Defining these personas will help to inform your learning solution design, aid decision-making, and ensure a learner-centred approach. The learner profile looks at the employee background, motivations, physical and technical work environment, and existing skills.

Document your learner personas in the Learning Canvas:

  • Open the Learner Personas section of the Learning Canvas by clicking on the green Personas icon.
  • Use the +Add Persona button to add a new persona.
  • In the form that pops up, describe the persona's age, position, motivations and learning environment. You can also give the persona a name and choose an appropriate character from the character library.
  • Add multiple learning personas if you have more than one group of typical learners.