Connecting your account and publishing modules/experiences from Guroo Pro

Take advantage of the integration between Guroo Pro and Academy.

Written By Donna Hanson-Squires (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 3rd, 2025

Guroo Pro and Academy are linked, so that you can grab any module/experience that you have created in Guroo Pro and publish it as content in Academy’s learning programs.

To achieve this, you first have to connect your Guroo Pro and Academy accounts.


Connecting Your Account

To add and publish modules/experiences from Guroo Pro you must have:

  • the Team Admin role in Guroo Pro
  • the Portal Admin role in Academy

To connect your Academy account to your Guroo Pro account:

  1. Go to Program Admin
  2. Choose Producer Team Management from the left menu
  3. Connect your account

Enter your Guroo.Pro username and password

Within program admin on the main menu, the sub-heading 'producer team management' has been selected. This page shows the primary and secondary pro teams associated with this academy portal. The user is able to connect accounts by clicking the button 'connect my account'.


Adding a Guroo Pro Experience/Module to Your Program

To add a Guroo Pro experience/module to your program:

  • Choose New Content
  • Choose Interactive Learning
  • Use the drop downs to find the program and module/experience in your Guroo Pro team.

NOTE: You will only be able to add Guroo Pro modules for programs that you are a member of. Programs that you are not a member of will not be displayed in the drop downs. Read more about Guroo.Pro program roles.

This video shows the process for adding a new guroo pro module to a course. The video follows a user within the program settings of their chosen course. The page they want to add a module to is highlighted in the left-menu panel. Then the user clicks "new" to add a module. A pop-up menu opens up, from there, a selection is made by the user to add "interactive learning". This opens up the next window where the user selects the guroo pro team and project they wish to add their module from. The details of the module are added to the site from the guroo pro team. From here the user selects "save" and the module appears in the flow of the learning on Academy.


Republishing a Guroo Pro Experience/Module

If you update or change an experience/module in Guroo Pro, you will need to republish it in Academy before your changes are available to participants. The reason for this is that you can update and change any Guroo Pro experience/module in Guroo Pro, but your changes won’t be displayed to participants until you are ready.

To republish:

  1. Go to the experience/module you need to republish
  2. Use the arrow on the right to choose Republish
This shows the 'edit view' of a program page. The user has selected one page from the left-side menu to make changes to, selecting 'edit' in the top header view menu. From here, the drop-down menu to the right of the chosen module is highlighted. In the drop-down menu, the user can click 'republish'.